# Copyright 2021 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=7 LIBRETRO_REPO_NAME="libretro/mgba" inherit git-r3 libretro-core cmake DESCRIPTION="libretro implementation of mGBA. (Game Boy Advance)" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/libretro/mgba" KEYWORDS="" LICENSE="MPL-2.0" SLOT="0" IUSE="epoxy ffmpeg +gles2 lto lzma +opengl pgo pgopost png +zip zlib" REQUIRED_USE=" epoxy? ( gles2 ) gles2? ( opengl ) pgopost? ( pgo ) png? ( zlib ) " DEPEND=" epoxy? ( media-libs/libepoxy:0= ) ffmpeg? ( virtual/ffmpeg:0= ) lzma? ( app-arch/xz-utils:0= ) png? ( media-libs/libpng:0= ) opengl? ( media-libs/mesa:0=[gles2?] ) png? ( media-libs/libpng:0= ) zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib:0= ) " RDEPEND="${DEPEND} games-emulation/libretro-info" src_unpack() { libretro-core_src_unpack # For safety, unbundle most bundled third-party libraries. mkdir "${S}"/src/third-party-unused mv \ "${S}"/src/third-party/{libpng,lzma,zlib} \ "${S}"/src/third-party-unused/ } src_configure() { local mycmakeargs=( -DBUILD_LIBRETRO=ON -DSKIP_LIBRARY=ON -DBUILD_QT=OFF -DBUILD_SDL=OFF -DUSE_GDB_STUB=OFF -DUSE_EPOXY=$(usex epoxy ON OFF) -DUSE_FFMPEG=$(usex ffmpeg ON OFF) -DBUILD_GLES2=$(usex gles2 ON OFF) -DBUILD_LTO=$(usex lto ON OFF) -DBUILD_GL=$(usex opengl ON OFF) -DBUILD_PGO=$(usex pgo ON OFF) -DPGO_STAGE_2=$(usex pgopost ON OFF) -DUSE_PNG=$(usex png ON OFF) -DUSE_ZLIB=$(usex zlib ON OFF) ) cmake_src_configure } src_install() { LIBRETRO_LIB_DIR="${EROOT%/}/usr/$(get_libdir)/libretro" insinto "${LIBRETRO_LIB_DIR}" doins "${WORKDIR}/${PF}_build/${LIBRETRO_CORE_NAME}_libretro.so" }