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OpenSSH 8.2_p1 running sshd breakage - 20/02/2020 00:00 GMT

If sshd is running, and a system is upgraded from
=net-misc/openssh-8.2_p1, any new ssh
connection will fail until sshd is restarted.

Before restarting sshd, it is *strongly* recommended that you test your
configuration with the following command (as root):
    sshd -t

If your system is booted with openrc, use this command (as root) 
to restart sshd:
    rc-service sshd --nodeps restart

If your system is booted with systemd, use this command (as root)
to restart sshd:
    systemctl restart sshd

WARNING: On systemd booted machines with PAM disabled, this command
         will terminate all currently open ssh connections. It is 
         *strongly* recommended that you validate your configuration
         before restarting sshd.

If you are using systemd socket activation for sshd, then no action is

Posted By: Patrick McLean