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Extension for colcon to select the packages to process.


  • colcon-package-selection-0.2.10
    ~amd64 ~x86 ~arm ~arm64
    test python_targets_python3_8 python_targets_python3_9 python_targets_python3_10

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    Overlay: ros-overlay


commit 9df781491e4babd4c6a7b263dbfdc83a00b6a2f9
Author: Hunter L. Allen <>
Date: Wed Nov 17 12:27:11 2021 -0500

Update Colcon (#1025)

* Update colcon packages

Signed-off-by: Hunter L. Allen <>

* Add colcon-mixin

Signed-off-by: Hunter L. Allen <>

* Add colcon_cd

Signed-off-by: Hunter L. Allen <>

* Fix colcon-core dependencies, add pytest-repeat

Signed-off-by: Hunter L. Allen <>

* Update vcstool ebuild

Signed-off-by: Hunter L. Allen <>

* Update lark parser

Signed-off-by: Hunter L. Allen <>

commit 1abccae306c54b186058859c2b08e8c68da84b20
Author: Hunter L. Allen <>
Date: Fri Dec 7 23:42:41 2018 -0500

bump colcon-package-select 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1

commit 3991552d8cef1e00c812020026714e54b797a45a
Author: Hunter L. Allen <>
Date: Thu Oct 18 14:05:19 2018 -0400

Add colcon ebuilds (#655)

* dev-python/colcon-library-path: Create ebuild

* dev-python/colcon-cmake: Create ebuild

* dev-python/colcon-bash: Create ebuild

* dev-python/colcon-defaults: Create ebuild

* dev-python/colcon-devtools: Create ebuild

* dev-python/colcon-metadata: Create ebuild

* colcon_cmake: add IUSE for test

* colcon_library_path: Add IUSE for test

* colcon_bash: add IUSE test

* colcon_defaults: add IUSE test

* colcon_devtools: Add IUSE test

* colcon_metadata: Add IUSE test

* colcon_notification: create ebuild

* colcon_output: create ebuild

* colcon-package-information: create ebuild

* colcon_package_selection: create ebuild

* colcon_parallel_executor: Create ebuild

* colcon-powershell: Create ebuild

* colcon_parallel_executor: add manifest

* colcon-python-setup-py: Create ebuild

* colcon-recursive-crawl: create ebuild

* colcon-ros: create ebuild

* colcon-test-result: create ebuild

* colcon-zsh: create ebuild

* colcon-common-extensions: create ebuild

* colcon-common-extensions: typo

* colcon-zsh: fix filename

* colcon-argcomplete: create ebuild

* colcon-pkg-config: create ebuild

* colcon-notification: version 0.2.4 -> 0.2.5

* colcon_bash: add IUSE test

* colcon_defaults: add IUSE test

* colcon_devtools: Add IUSE test

* colcon_metadata: Add IUSE test

* colcon_notification: create ebuild

* colcon_output: create ebuild

* colcon-package-information: create ebuild

* colcon_package_selection: create ebuild

* colcon_parallel_executor: Create ebuild

* colcon-powershell: Create ebuild

* colcon_parallel_executor: add manifest

* colcon-python-setup-py: Create ebuild

* colcon-recursive-crawl: create ebuild

* colcon-ros: create ebuild

* colcon-test-result: create ebuild

* colcon-zsh: create ebuild

* colcon-common-extensions: typo

* colcon-zsh: fix filename

* colcon-argcomplete: create ebuild

* colcon-pkg-config: create ebuild

* colcon-notification: version 0.2.4 -> 0.2.5